
Canning Bridge Activity Centre Plan review open for feedback

18th March 2019

The City is reviewing the Canning Bridge Activity Centre Plan. You’re invited to share your thoughts, ideas and priorities to help the City ensure that the plan can deliver on its vision; to support development of the precinct with a mix of office, retail, residential, recreational and cultural uses, maximising opportunities offered by its unique transport hub location.

Canning Bridge Activity Centre Plan review open for feedback

Since 2016, the Canning Bridge Activity Centre Plan (CBACP) has been guiding development in the 800 metres radius surrounding the Canning Bridge train station, on both sides of the Canning River.

The City developed the CBACP in conjunction with the City of Melville to support development in the precinct with a mix of office, retail, residential, recreational and cultural uses, maximising opportunities offered by its unique transport hub location.

At the August 2018 Council Meeting, the City of South Perth Council resolved to commence a review of the CBACP to identify opportunities for refining the use and interpretation of the plan.

The City is now facilitating a community-wide conversation and invite you to share your thoughts and feedback to assist the City in reviewing the plan. As part of this project the City will establish a Citizen Stakeholder Group (CSG) comprised of stakeholders from the CBACP community. The CSG will provide advice to Council on recommended amendments to the CBACP, based on community and stakeholder feedback.

You can get involved in a number of ways:

• Register at to attend an information and feedback session:

2-4pm, Saturday, 9 March at Manning Community Hall
5.30-7.30pm, Thursday, 21 March at George Burnett Leisure Centre
• Register your interest for the Citizen Stakeholder Group (CSG)

• Complete the online survey. Hard copy surveys are also available at the City of South Perth Civic Centre and South Perth and Manning Libraries. The survey will close at 4pm, Friday 12 April 2019.

For details, to register, and to complete the survey, visit

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